Know Your Skin, Hair & Body

It helps to be the biggest team of dermatologists in the region, looking after millions of customers. We gain a wealth of insight into everything skin, hair and body, which we’re happy to share with you. Scroll right through for what matters most to you. It’s science made simple. Ageing is a natural process of your skin. But, is your skin reflecting your true age or is it ageing faster? Take our quiz to find out!

  • A detailed understanding of CoolSculpting® and its effects on fat loss


    What if there was a way to fight stubborn fat in a manner that’s relatively free from pain? What sounds like fiction or a well-written infomercial is now a reality, thanks to technological advancements like CoolSculpting. Stubborn fat can be really annoying, and almost a confidence crusher, especially when you want to rock a sleeveless…

  • Skincare Hacks for Healthy Skin During Coronovirus Lockdown


    Has the lockdown affected your skincare routine and made your skin dry and dull? Try out these skincare home remedies to keep your skin glowing! Prolonged home quarantine period along with drastic changes in eating habits, lack of exercise, reduced water intake, change in weather and simply being lazy can lead to your body reacting…

  • Common Warts


    What is a wart? A wart is a small, benign (non-cancerous) bump on the skin that looks like a blister or a cauliflower. It appears on any part of the body which has been affected by a virus from the human papillomavirus family (HPV). Generally, it does not cause any pain or discomfort. However, in…

  • 15 years of Kaya


    From skin to comprehensive aesthetic care: a 15-year journey called Kaya Skin Clinic From a single clinic in the bustling heart of Dubai to the region’s leading fully owned chain with 24 clinics across the GCC, the Kaya growth story is a journey through learning, insights and opportunities. It all began in the summer of…

  • Types of Skin Tightening Treatments


    Wrinkles and sagging or creepy skin appear naturally as you get older. That’s because the collagen and elastin—which maintain your skin’s elasticity and firmness—lose their ability to produce over time. In recent years, a number of treatments have been developed to help tighten your skin. Depending on the specific areas of concern, each treatment option…

  • 6 Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men


    More and more men are realizing the benefits of cosmetic procedures these days. Not only do these procedures provide great-looking natural results, but are quick and require little downtime. Here is a list of some popular surgical procedures for men who seek to enhance their looks: Blepharoplasty – Cosmetic eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is one…

  • An all-inclusive guide to the world of skin lightening you’re seeking


    Regardless of our skin colour, our skin goals of having an even skin tone, a healthy glow, and clear, bright skin are often the same. However, in the quest for flawless skin, there is a lot of confusion, especially when it comes to finding the right skin solution. Often, we mistake skin bleaching for skin…

  • Electrolysis or Laser – how to choose?


    Body hair removal has been traced back for centuries. The latest in the field are laser hair reduction and electrolysis or thermolysis. Both have gained immense popularity over the last decade, for precisely this reason – they offer long-lasting hair reduction. Both procedures target the hair follicles that are located beneath the skin’s surface, and…

  • Just 15 Minutes Away to a Perfect Nose


    Your nose is one of the most prominent features on your face and you might have flirted with the idea of changing the shape of your nose to make it perfect. But, has the thought of getting a surgery kept you away from getting any corrective measures done? Well… what if we told you that…

  • 2021 & Non-surgical body contouring: what’s the connection?


    Over the last year, life in lockdown created the perfect mix for weight gain.  With some of us gaining up to 15 pounds during self-isolation, ‘Quarantine 15’—has been trending worldwide, and in general people are becoming concerned about their ‘Covid curves’. As the vaccines are rolling out and social distancing guidelines are being eased, a…


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