Using Treatment Combinations

Ever wondered what makes our treatments special? Or what our dermatologists do that makes skin respond so much better? Sure, they work with some of the most advanced technologies available anywhere in the world today, but does that alone explain the results? Together, they make up the largest team of dermatologists in the region. Could the answer be found there?

Crafting begins with Combination.

Let’s step back for a moment and look at the science of creating something beautiful. Take music for instance. What makes a certain melody exciting or hauntingly beautiful? It’s the combination of notes. And then, a combination of instruments and voices. Just as composers or orchestra conductors think deeply about these combinations, Kaya dermatologists dedicate a great deal of thought, expertise and insight to selecting and applying the techniques and technologies of their choice. And that’s where the secret of customised treatment really begins.

Your skin is unique. And so is your Combination.

Each person has a unique genetic code, distinctive skin type, exclusive skin care requirements and concerns. Skin can differ on several factors: Texture, colour, hydration, suppleness and age. Extent of pigmentation, size of blood vessels, depth of furrows and more.

Clearly a standard, cookie-cutter treatment for skin care is not the ideal solution. A personalized skin care routine, supported with an individualized treatment regimen and customized combination of such treatments, is most likely to bring out the best.

Bringing science and beauty together. In thousands of different ways.

Advanced skin care draws upon science from three different domains. First up, the biochemistry of skin and how it is influenced by everything else. What goes on when as skin ages. How skin tone changes with sun exposure or other factors such as age or hormonal changes. Why acne forms, flares up and then ultimately goes away, but not before leaving marks and scars. And, will we ever solve the mysterious problem of dark circles?

Meanwhile, in another part of the scientific world — the domain of technology to be precise — some of the finest minds are at work, constantly seeking to develop better tools and techniques to support the dermatologist in the quest to make treatments more effective, quicker and more comfortable to go through.

Yet another domain of science has to do with applying advanced chemistry to enhance the way skin looks, acts and feels. These scientists deliver solutions in the form of peels, wraps, serums… in rapidly evolving and specialized forms.

Combine. Refine. Define.

At Kaya, science meets beauty as the region’s biggest team of dermatologists bring together the work of all three domains. Picking, choosing, tweaking, blending these elements to deliver the results our customers expect of them, our dermatologists have developed the concept of Skindividualisation. This is the process of custom-crafting entire lines of skin treatment for each individual, based on the insight that no two individuals are identical. Now how does this work in practice and how does it benefit you?

Combo benefits

  1. Skin is made up of multiple layers. Combination treatments work at multiple levels at the same time. Take age control for instance. Our dermatologists combine chemical peels, microdermabrasion (MDA) and laser therapies into highly effective resurfacing treatments, while mesotherapy activates skin cells at a deeper level to repair connective tissue, stimulate natural collagen and elastin generation.
  2. Synergy: The whole result is greater than the sum of the parts. Let’s stay with the age control example. While injectable Botox® is used to smooth out dynamic wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid fillers restore volume, a whole new suite of non-surgical Threadlift therapies help lift sagging areas and provide a framework to revive natural collagen production, which may be boosted by eMatrix laser treatment Working in concert, these treatments eliminate loose wrinkled skin and activate the remodeling and restructuring of the supportive padding below.
  3. The beauty of timing. You can get to your treatment goals quicker. Most treatments call for a certain interval between sessions. However, between sessions for one treatment, your dermatologist could carry out another treatment altogether, which progresses you towards the same goal, be it younger looking skin or freedom from acne. So with a well thought out multiple treatments running in parallel, you get to ‘wow’, quicker.

Make the most of the potential today’s treatment combinations offer you. Go ahead and discover what’s possible when you form the dream combination: you and your dermatologist.

Written by: Dr. Asif

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