The Evolution of Men’s Grooming

Whether you flip through a business magazine or scroll down your Instagram feed, you would probably notice that a well-groomed look is no longer the exclusive domain of women. Men today claim an equal stand when it comes to grooming. Research on the global male grooming market estimates the market to grow 29.14 billion U.S. dollars by 2024.[1] In the Middle East, male grooming, according to analysts Euromonitor International (EMI), is projected to grow 25 per cent over the next four years and will reach US$829 million in 2019.[2]

So, what’s brought on this change?

Exploring the reasons behind the change in men’s grooming

Think back a decade or two ago, and you wouldn’t have heard much about men’s grooming. The most popular men’s grooming product was probably an after-shave or deodorant. Fast forward to today and you see entire supermarket aisles dedicated to men’s grooming products, along with a host of specialized grooming treatments for men.

Several reasons are behind this change you observe in men’s grooming habits.

  • The rise of the metrosexual professional: Walk into a conference or stop by a product launch and you will meet the metrosexual professional—someone who takes good care of his appearance, from the latest trends in fashion to the finer nuances of skincare. A well-groomed look reflecting in a clean professional appearance is not just an asset but the expected standard for businessmen and young professionals. A Star Online poll[3] of 539 men saw an overwhelming 82% respondents answer that it was important for men to maintain a grooming routine.
  • The Instagram generation loves a well-groomed look: With Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat part of your everyday life, you need look your best at all times. And if you are between the 18–34 age bracket, you are most probably looking to social media to find out more about the latest hairstyle, fashion or even skincare products. In fact, a study by Defy Media,[4] found that 27% of men, especially 18–34 year olds learn about new grooming products on social media.
  • The increase in spending power of the millennial generation: If you are born between the early 1980’s and late 1990’s, you are defined as millennial and the generation that will account for three-quarters of the workforce by 2025.[5] Currently, millennials have the most spending power of any generation, and as a man of this generation, you know that your spending includes investing in your health and body—which extends to your grooming as well.
  • The rapid diminishing of male grooming as a social taboo: As a modern man, you know that neither you nor your peers consider it feminine to visit a skin clinic or use specialized products. Rather, you view maintaining a regular grooming and hygiene routine as an essentiality of the modern man. Social taboos, which a few decades back implied that men who took pride in their appearance were less masculine are fast dropping. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons stated that nearly 100,000 men had filler injections in 2017, which translates to 99% increase since 2000[6]—a clear indication of the changing times.

Trends in men’s grooming: There is much more than laser and the occasional facial to look your best

While services like laser for facial and body hair removal and acne control solutions are common among modern men, there several other efficacious treatments that you can explore.

Minimally invasive treatments like Botox, dermal fillers can ease out age lines, give you youthful skin and also help you get a firm and contoured jawline. You can also opt for cool sculpting to fight stubborn fat pockets, like slight belly pooches or love handles.

Visiting a dermatologist, once considered only necessary if you were seeking treatment for a skin ailment, has also evolved. The modern man understands the vital role a dermatologist plays in enhancing your aesthetic appeal and helping set up a regular grooming routine.

Welcome to a world of unlimited possibilities

The evolution of men’s grooming has opened up a world of unlimited possibilities for your grooming regime. From male-specific toiletries to bespoke treatments, looking good and maintaining a grooming ritual for your skin, hair and body is now both easier and efficient.







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