Know Your Skin, Hair & Body

It helps to be the biggest team of dermatologists in the region, looking after millions of customers. We gain a wealth of insight into everything skin, hair and body, which we’re happy to share with you. Scroll right through for what matters most to you. It’s science made simple. Ageing is a natural process of your skin. But, is your skin reflecting your true age or is it ageing faster? Take our quiz to find out!

  • 9 Skincare Tips Every Bride-to-be in 2017 Needs to Follow


    It’s magic. You have met your Prince Charming and you are now about to enter a new phase of your life. Your family, friends and photos will bear testimony to the fact that you did so confidently, being your radiant best. OK, so that takes a bit of work. Not too much, but yes, a…

  • Dandruff


    What is Dandruff? Skin exfoliation is a normal, natural feature of the lifecycle of skin cells. The white flakes from a dry scalp are the fragments of the uppermost layer of skin – the superficial stratum corneum, which have been shed as part of the process. Some amount of flaking is expected, but excessive flaking…

  • Nefertiti Face Lift


    “Gauge the age.” That’s one of the first things most people do upon meeting others for the first time. The human eye and mind work together to make evaluations at lightning speed, running ancient algorithms. Now here’s the surprise. Turns out, the first signal is not the extent or depth of wrinkles. It’s the shape…

  • Another hair-loss myth goes down the drain


    Hint: It’s not the water Bath time can turn into a nightmare when you see precious hair making its way to the drain. And the solution does not lie in wearing a shower cap forever. The secret life of hair There’s a common notion that hair, being made up of dead cells, has no life…

  • Rejuvenating our stressed tresses


    Science to rescue hurt and damaged hair Wear it long or short, in curls or poker straight, black, brown or blonde – it frames your  face and is your crowning glory.  And that’s precisely why you work hard to avoid bad-hair days. So you urge it into place by straightening, ironing or perming. Bring out…

  • The Many Faces of Botox


    Some know it as the go-to solution for age control. Some see it as the refuge of rock stars and desperate divas who want to cling on to the fleeting and fickle fancies of youth. Some others lap up the tabloid and social feed updates about celebrity procedures gone wrong. Yet others look up the…

  • Feeling 24, looking 42?


    Look as young as you feel There’s a spring in your step, a sparkle in your eye, a burst of enthusiasm at the prospect of doing the marathon this year, or biking in Vietnam or whatever. You can stay up through the night and still shine at work all day. That’s you. Youthful you. Then…

  • Acne Scars


    8 facts to help you win the Skin v/s Scar showdown First things first. Let’s get the scare out of scars. They’re like pictures. Scars and marks are nothing but memories. Of that moment when you scraped your knee after you scored that winning basket…of that time when you fell off your mountain bike (thankfully,…

  • Adult onset Acne


    Understanding late-onset acne If you thought acne comes and goes the way of teenage angst and high-school crushes, you’re only half right. While significantly less frequent amongst adults, acne continues to exist as a clear and present possibility. Why does acne decide to reappear? A variety of reasons: hormonal changes, pollution, lifestyle, an erratic cleansing…

  • Acne acting up?


    Acne acting up? Learn how to keep it off-stage! It’s morning. The curtains to your world are lifted and you’re getting set to step out and take the stage. Confident, energizing and determined to perform at your peak…till you look into the mirror. Oh no… not now, not again! Not another pimple… Yes, acne elicits a…


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