Science to rescue hurt and damaged hair

Wear it long or short, in curls or poker straight, black, brown or blonde – it frames your  face and is your crowning glory.  And that’s precisely why you work hard to avoid bad-hair days. So you urge it into place by straightening, ironing or perming. Bring out its best by bleaching, colouring and highlighting. And flaunt it after styling, pinning or ponytailing.

But then the hair often pays the price. Hair that is chemically treated or exposed to harsh styling products and heating gets weakened, and then goes on to break and fall.

Now before you start feeling guilty about every strand of hair that moves over to your hair brush, do note that some hair loss is natural.

Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding the life cycle of hair

It is perfectly normal to lose around fifty to seventy strands of hair in a day, and this  barely makes a visible difference on an average adult head which has around a 100,000 strands. In fact, some amount of hair fall is normal since every strand of hair is shed at the end of its lifecycle.  A lifecycle which consists of three stages:

  • the Anagen stage or the active growth phase when the strand sprouts out of the hair follicle and grows
  • the Catagen stage when it takes a breather after all the growing
  • and finally, the Telogen stage when it is shed.

The growth phase may vary from anywhere between 3 months to 3 years, and determines how long that strand will grow.

The ‘how and why’ of dry hair

The scalp is nature’s conditioner factory. It secretes the sebum that conditions the hair. Nourishment comes via the blood supply that connects with the roots that rest in the follicles. So where’s the problem? It’s like this. As the hair strand grows in length, its tip moves further and further from the source of nourishment – the scalp. As a result, the tips of the hair turn drier and need more care.

Lustrous hair isn’t a gift you can take for granted. It is a reflection of the care you take to keep it from turning dull, dry and brittle. Home care with shampooing and conditioning is the first line of defence against such damaged hair. Salon treatments like hair spas and deep conditioning also help destress those tresses and the scalp.

However the growing stresses of the daily grind and the effects of climate and pollution can add up to more than your hair can handle. You may need to turn to expert intervention.

The beauty of advanced rejuvenation techniques

There’s no better way to solve a problem than to go to its root. In the case of hair, it’s all about going down to the scalp. As remarkable advancements take place in the world of dermatology, we can apply them to the scalp and begin to reverse the factors that  lead to dry, damaged and scanty hair. Treatments such as Mesotherapy and supplementation with gingko biloba, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy or Plasma lifting, can make a visible difference.

Mesotherapy for deep nourishment

Let’s begin with a revolutionary approach to scalp and hair nourishment: Mesotherapy. This is a gentle technique that micro-injects a potent blend rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to the targeted tissue area in the deepest layer of skin, the mesoderm. The exact formulation, containing biotin, calcium, pantothenate, gingko biloba, among other nutrients, is customised by the dermatologist. This healthful boost stimulates circulation and nourishes the hair follicles. Hair growth is restored as the rejuvenated hair follicles are strengthened. The strands of hair that grow out of these follicles are now thicker, stronger and healthier.

PRP Therapy for rejuvenating growth

In many cases, the condition of the hair may call for something more than nourishment. Some sort of rejuvenation may need to be achieved. PRP Therapy  uses the innate healing and regenerative powers of your own blood. Your blood platelets, rich in growth factors, are injected into targeted areas of the scalp to stimulate and accelerate cell regeneration. It works wonders on the hair, making it appear thicker and more conditioned. Your dermatologist would follow it through by recommending hair vitamins and peptide serums that help maintain the wonderful changes that you would no doubt begin to see.

So there you have it. The secret to great hair may begin with hair care but actually goes deeper. If regular home care and periodic salon care don’t quite solve your problem, there’s a world of specialised expertise just a click or a call away. Don’t let despair come between you and beautiful hair!

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