Kaya Skin Solutions for Youngsters’ Skin Concerns

It is never too early or too late to start with a skincare regime to take care of your skin or talk to a dermatologist to seek help for your skin concerns. The teenage years bring a whirlwind of physical and emotional changes amongst youngsters. Even though it is common to see changes in the skin during these years, it is equally necessary to look into them. If not treated or addressed on time, some skin concerns may stay for a lifetime, hampering physical and emotional well-being.

At Kaya, we understand how tough teenage years can be and offer a variety of treatments and solutions for every skin concern that youngsters may face. Let us look into some of the common skin concerns, their causes, and ways in which you can prevent them.

Common Skin Concerns Amongst Youngsters

Skin concerns and conditions are relatively common among youngsters. A major reason for all of these skin changes is the hormonal changes that occur during this age. As adolescence is the period that includes the process of puberty, a lot of significant physical changes are seen in the body, skin, and hair because of the increased hormonal production.

Here are some of the most common skin concerns that youngsters face:

  1. Acne 

An average of 95% of adolescents suffer from acne. It is a skin condition that occurs when the pores get clogged. The increased hormonal production leads to increased sebum production, which eventually clogs the pores. Dead cells get trapped under these pores, which creates pimples. When these pimples go beyond a few, it develops into a chronic condition called acne.

Dermatological Solutions and Treatments

Most dermatological treatments include advanced acne products, laser treatments, antibiotics, abrasive treatments, chemical peels, or hormone therapies. Depending on the individual condition and severity, the dermatologist can recommend a solution that suits you the best.

At Kaya, we offer Acne & Acne Scar Treatments, which include treatments and techniques depending upon an individual’s skin condition. These acne treatment solutions address the root causes of acne and deal with the factors that provoke it. It helps reduce excess oil (sebum) production, exfoliates the skin to prevent clogging of pores, and provides anti-inflammatory measures to reduce the severity of acne.

The scar repair solutions aim at removing the existing lesions and scars while preventing the formation of new ones. This involves exfoliation and deep cleansing of the skin, followed by a laser treatment that penetrates the skin and remodels the scars to achieve flawless and beautiful skin.

  1. Eczema 

Eczema is a skin condition that comes under the family of rashes and causes a lot of irritation, redness, dry skin, itching, and swelling. It usually occurs on the face and the joints. This condition can quickly spread and lead to inflammation. There is no specific cause of eczema. It may occur due to genetics or environmental factors.

Dermatological Treatments and Solutions

A dermatologist may prescribe topical ointments and oral medication to reduce inflammation and itching. In some cases, dermatologists may also recommend steroids or light therapies and treatments.

  1. Rosacea 

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness on the cheeks and eventually spreads around the nose and forehead. It may also lead to developing small red puss-filled bumps over these red patches. This condition is generally confused with acne or a sunburn. However, if not treated on time, it can lead to extreme swelling and spread to the eyes.

Dermatological Treatments and Solutions

At Kaya, we offer several treatments and solutions to treat and control rosacea. LED Light Therapy can help treat several skin conditions, including rosacea, eczema, and acne. It helps control the oil production in the skin and tightens the pores. It is known to increase the skin’s hydration levels and reduce redness and inflammation. Other solutions like the Venus Viva, Pyruvic Peel, and Glycolic Peel can also be used to treat rosacea.

  1. Sunburn 

Sunburn is an inflammatory condition caused to the skin because of extreme and direct exposure to sunlight. Sunburns are commonly seen among adolescents as they are highly involved in sports and outdoor activities. However, sunburns are a leading cause of many skin conditions, including skin cancers. After spending time in the sun, if you notice a sunburn, apply a cool cloth to the affected area and keep it moisturised and cool using aloe vera or moisturisers. We also recommend that you consult a dermatologist.

Effects of Skin Conditions on Youngsters 

Even though some skin conditions may be temporary and get better with age, some may persist for longer periods. The effects of these skin conditions can affect the quality and the texture of the skin in the longer run.

Here are some of the common effects of skin conditions among youngsters:

  1. Oily Skin 

Generally, oily skin and acne go hand-in-hand. However, there may be cases where you might have just oily skin but no acne at all. You can incorporate products in your skincare routine that help soak the oil instead of producing more.

At Kaya, the LED Laser Light therapy can be used to treat oily skin. The treatments have several benefits, such as oil control, preventing future breakouts, and tightening pores.

  1. Warts and Cold Sores 

Warts and cold sores are generally caused by a virus and are commonly found among teens. Hormonal changes among teens can be a significant factor in developing warts and cold sores. Warts develop on the hands, around the fingers, under fingernails, and on the feet, whereas cold sores are commonly found around the nose and inside the mouth.

Kaya offers Wart Removal Solutions, including radiofrequency, which uses low-temperature, high-energy radio waves to cauterise the wart. It is a safe and effective method that is customised for every individual depending on their skin type and condition.

  1. Darkening of the Skin 

Prolonged skin conditions can cause severe damage to the skin and lead to dark spots, pigmentation, and uneven skin darkening. This eventually deteriorates the overall condition and quality of the skin.

Kaya offers Pigmentation Reduction Solutions that include laser therapies and advanced peels that help you achieve an even-toned skin and revive and restore dull-looking skin.

Teenage years bring a lot of physical and emotional changes. Youngsters may feel insecure about talking about changes happening in their bodies and tend to keep it to themselves. However, we must help them understand that it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Ensure that you pay attention to your kids and lend them an ear when they need it the most.

– By Kaya’s Expert Dermatologists


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