Your winter beauty regime begins here and now!

You can finally breathe a sigh of relief! The harsh summer is long gone. You can feel the chill in the air, and you can’t help but imagine yourself in your designer trench coat and classy knee-length boots. But hold on… when you lose yourself in your winter fancies, do you see yourself with warm rosy cheeks, or do you imagine dry, flaky skin? Ah! The sad nightmare of winter seems to have caught up with you suddenly. The dipping temperature and humidity levels, the cold winds, the hot baths and steaming showers, and every other winter-beauty ritual is out to get you. From scalp to sole, your skin begins to thirst for moisture. And before you know it, the unhealthy skin sets in.

Oops! Sorry! The festive season is here and we just went on and on about how the weather affects your skin. Let’s look at it differently. What can you do to get your skin ready for the season of bliss?

Our team of dermatologists at kaya have put their brilliant minds together and compiled a list of skin care tips. Simple yet highly effective, these tips will ensure your skin is all ready to enjoy the festive season.

Cleanse, tone, moisturise… let the routine stay put

 With a few alterations, of course. Avoid cleansing and toning too often. You want to wash off the impurities. Not the essential oils that keep your skin healthy. Instead moisturise like never before. Your skin will need all the moisture it can get during the chilly winter months.

Ah! That warm sunlight. But the sun’s still not a friend.

No, it isn’t! Now you might be tempted to underestimate the power of the sun, and let your guard down when the temperature dips. But that’s not advisable. Especially with the bright and beautiful days we enjoy in this region. Never step out without applying a generous amount of sunscreen. And your sunglasses… don’t leave them behind.

Throw that cigarette away

 If you can’t quit smoking for the sake of your health, quit it for the sake of your beauty! Smoking causes dry skin, making it appear dull and flaky. As if the weather causing that wasn’t already enough!

Curb your time in the tub

 As pleasant as those hot bathtubs and steamy showers might seem, they contribute to further skin dryness. So cut your bathing time down to half. It will make immense difference to your skin’s moisture levels.

Indoor oil therapy

 Coconut oil, almond oil, Vitamin E oil and argan oil do a great job in helping your skin keep its moisture levels high. So pamper yourself indoors over the weekends with some oil therapy. Not only will your skin feel soft and supple, you’ll also notice an enviable glow.

Soothe for smooth lips

 It’s painful when your lips dry and crack during winter, isn’t it? Well, you can stop that from happening. Invest in a good lip balm and keep it with you at all times. Whenever your lips feel dry, apply away. Applying a thick layer of petroleum jelly on your lips overnight would do wonders!

Gorge on skin food

 There’s no denying it. With all the parties lined up for the season, your palate is going to be indulged in a lavish gourmet affair. Now that might make you forget your fresh fruits and veggies for a while. Don’t make that mistake! Make sure you get your daily dose of nutrients by sticking to a healthy diet.

Moisturise from head to toe

 Ask yourself this. Do you pay more attention to your facial skin than the rest of you? Well, winter is a time to look after your skin all over. Your hands and feet especially tend to become dry and scaly. Make it a pre-bedtime ritual to moisturise from head to toe, and you’ll be good to go.

Dreading dry locks?

 There’s nothing about your dry hair that a nourishing hair mask can’t fix. So hit the shower twice a week and give your tresses some much needed pampering with a moisturising mask. Enjoy luscious locks all winter long.

Now all of this is easier said than done. But you know your skin best, and you know how it responds to a temperature drop. So make sure it gets all the extra attention it needs this winter. With these tips, you can get your skin ready in time for the festive season. After all, it’s only fabulous skin that will complement your winter style perfectly.

– By Kaya’s Expert Dermatologists


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