How to Overcome Body Insecurities

An average of 91% of women express dissatisfaction with their body type, especially related to body weight and body shape. The result? Low self-esteem, low confidence, social anxiety, or in some cases, eating disorders.

But where do these insecurities stem from? The primary reason that triggers them is the portrayal of ideal beauty standards in the media. From a very young age, we are used to seeing unrealistic ideals regarding how our skin or body should look and what is considered attractive, which creates a lot of insecurities and vulnerabilities in men, women, and children.

Let us take a look at some of the most common insecurities people have, their effect on mental and physical health, and ways to cope with these insecurities.

Types of Body Insecurities And Their Impact

Body image is how a person sees their body. These thoughts and perceptions can be positive as well as negative. Unfortunately, a majority of people have a negative body image, especially concerning their face, skin, and weight.

1.   Face

Everybody wants to look presentable and attractive when someone is seeing them for the first time. However, this very reason makes many people insecure about their facial features. Some are insecure about the shape of their nose, or the shape and size of their lips, or about a mole, birthmark, or acne on their face.

2.   Body

Many people tend to be unhappy about certain parts of their bodies or the overall shape of their bodies. A significant number of people are unhappy with the fat, cellulite, and stretch marks on their tummies, thighs, and arms and so they tend to dress to hide these problem areas. This is commonly seen in women post-pregnancy.

3.   Skin

Our skin goes through several changes over a lifetime, which are entirely normal. However, skin concerns like blemishes, skin colour, warts, and scars hamper a person’s self-esteem and confidence.

4.   Weight

Fat-shaming and skinny-shaming are two major issues people face because of unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressure. If not addressed in time, these can become a severe cause of body insecurities.

These insecurities have an extreme impact on a person’s physical and mental health. A negative body image can lead to lower self-esteem, reduced confidence, social anxiety, fearfulness, and self-doubt. Childhood trauma can create a feeling of worthlessness or imposter syndrome, which can lead to mental health issues such as depression and eating disorders.

It is very essential to overcome these insecurities and build a positive body image to become truly physically and mentally fit. A negative body image can be self-sabotaging. The first step to overcoming a negative body image is to turn a deaf ear to what society says and be comfortable with what you are and what you have. Developing a positive body image directly reflects improved self-esteem, higher confidence, and reduced social anxiety leading to improved overall mental and emotional health.

Ways to Deal With Insecurities

Self-acceptance is the first step in overcoming insecurities related to body issues. Here are some tips that can help you overcome your insecurities and develop a positive body image:

  • Focus on the things you love about your body rather than what you dislike.
  • Eat what you enjoy, but be aware of how much and what you eat. Try to incorporate healthy and nutritious meals. A cheat meal once in a while is okay!
  • Get regular but moderate amounts of exercise. Keep your body active but make sure you do not over-exhaust yourself. Choose activities that you enjoy doing.
  • Get a good amount of sleep every day. Your body needs enough rest to recharge. Restrict your screen time  and go to bed at a fixed time every day.
  • Talk to a certified therapist or dermatologist to know how you can overcome your body insecurities.

How Can Kaya’s Solutions and Treatments Help?

At Kaya, we realise how body image can impact your mental and physical well-being and so, we offer a range of treatments and solutions that can help you overcome your insecurities and start the journey of self-love.

Here are some of the treatments available at Kaya Skin Clinic:

1.   Acne and Acne Scar Treatments

Acne is generally perceived as a teenage skin problem. However, it is not. Acne is also seen in adults and, if not treated on time, can lead to extreme inflammation and permanent damage to the skin. The Acne Treatment Solutions at Kaya deals with the root cause of acne and provides treatments customised to individual needs. The Acne Scar Repair solution focuses on removing existing lesions and scars, preventing the formation of new ones. It also helps remove dead skin cells, pollution deposits and damaged skin and thoroughly cleans the skin surface.

2.   Cellulite Treatment

Even though cellulite is completely normal and does not constitute any medical hazard, it can be a problem for those who frequently wear bathing suits. Cellulite appearance can result from various reasons such as hormones, genes, or diet. Kaya’s Cellulite Treatment uses a combination of treatments. It focuses on removing accumulated deposits, reinvigoration of circulatory activity, especially lymphatic drainage, reinforcement of the retentive collagen structure, and remodelling skin.

3.    Stretch Marks Treatment

Stretch marks result from excessive skin stretching. They are mostly seen during and after pregnancy due to extreme weight gain or weight loss during that period. Kaya’s Stretch Mark Reduction Therapy includes a detailed analysis of your skin and a customised treatment plan which combines techniques and services with the latest in Mesotherapy, CO2 Laser or Carboxytherapy, and Bipolar Radiofrequency. These are used together or individually as required.

4.     Body Contouring Solutions

Pregnancy or ageing can make the skin sag and difficult to get back in shape. Kaya’s Body Contouring Solutions involve non-surgical and non-invasive treatments and techniques to give you your desired sculpted body.

5.     Wart Removal

Warts are random growths over the body that do not cause any medical harm. However, they can be uncomfortable to deal with. Kaya’s Wart Removal Solutions involve specialised approaches designed using advanced techniques and tailored to every individual’s skin to deliver effective results for such skin concerns.

At Kaya, we consider self-love to be the greatest form of self-acceptance. With our team of experts and advanced techniques, we always look forward to helping our clients feel the best versions of themselves and accomplish their goal of self-love.

– By Kaya’s Expert Dermatologists

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