It helps to be the biggest team of dermatologists in the region, looking after millions of customers. We gain a wealth of insight into everything skin, hair and body, which we’re happy to share with you. Scroll right through for what matters most to you. It’s science made simple.
Ageing is a natural process of your skin. But, is your skin reflecting your true age or is it ageing faster? Take our quiz to find out!
Better skin for men in just 15 minutes
01/11/2019Are you tired of seeing those oily smudges on your phone screen after a call? Or having patchy dry skin? Or a combination of both, where you see oiliness in certain parts of your face, especially your T-zone? Men have around 20% thicker skin than women. With thicker skin comes larger pores due to more…
Sunburn: Prevention and Treating Sunburns
19/08/2019With blazing temperatures and humidity reaching extreme heights this summer, chances are your skin may be harmed. The effects of intense heat can cause your skin to experience swelling, red patches, and sunburn blisters. Furthermore, the exposure to UVA and UVB, which breaks down collagen and elastin, can result in long-term damage such as wrinkles and…
How to Keep Ultraviolet Rays from Turning Ultra-Violent?
31/07/2018How to Keep Ultraviolet Rays from Turning Ultra-Violent? Whether it’s the UAE’s beautiful beaches that beckon you, or if you’re off to explore all those wonderful places within a couple of hours’ flying time, where the grass is greener and the air is cooler. Our nearest star blazes as brightly over there too, AND the…
Chin-up! Happier days ahead
11/06/2018Does that hint of a double chin get you worried? If so, put away any thoughts you may have of scarves, turtlenecks, or chin-concealing hijab adjustments. Help is at hand. You can confidently get that well-defined chin and neck contour to cut a striking, elegant profile. What makes a chin double itself? A double chin,…
Face Your Skin
22/11/2017#faceyourskin Take charge. Feeling good in your own skin. Is that harder than it looks? Or easier than it sounds? Well that depends on the state your skin is in. And it could make all the difference in a competitive world where you live under social and professional scrutiny, knowing you’re being evaluated from every…
Combination Treatments
21/08/2017Ever wondered what makes our treatments special? Or what our dermatologists do that makes skin respond so much better? Sure, they work with some of the most advanced technologies available anywhere in the world today, but does that alone explain the results? Together, they make up the largest team of dermatologists in the region. Could…
Skin DNA Testing: Looking like one in several billion
09/05/2017Wouldn’t it be magical to gaze into a crystal ball and see your future face look right back at you? Wouldn’t it then be even more magical to refine what that face looks like? Well, your crystal ball and magic wand are both here. Your looks are inherited. So are your skin’s unique traits. As…
9 Skincare Tips Every Bride-to-be in 2017 Needs to Follow
01/05/2017It’s magic. You have met your Prince Charming and you are now about to enter a new phase of your life. Your family, friends and photos will bear testimony to the fact that you did so confidently, being your radiant best. OK, so that takes a bit of work. Not too much, but yes, a…
Lighten Up! Smoker’s Lips Can Be Treated!
30/08/2016Smoker’s Lips Heard You’ve Got A Little Problem Concerning Smokers’ Lips You might smoke a cigarette a day, maybe even two. You might even go through a whole pack in one day. Well, we’re sure you’ve heard them say, “Smoking is injurious to health!” What they’re not spelling out for you is, “Smoking is injurious…
Every day is a Sun Day
17/08/2016It’s a beautiful feeling when the sun bathes you with its light when you are lounging on the beach…especially when the surf’s up. And there’s no dearth of such glorious sunshine in the region. While it’s a fun way of loading up on your Vitamin D, the UV rays could mean trouble. Getting that gorgeous…
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