Light Eyes

Understanding Light Eyes

With the passage of time, as skin thins out around the eyes, the blood vessels become more visible. If these vessels dilate, the surrounding capillaries weaken, causing the blood to leak, which shows through as a purplish tone.

If there are eye bags and lines around the eyes, the dark circles look even more pronounced, adding to the weak, weary and worn-out look.

The solution lies in revitalizing and stimulating the skin in the eye contour. That’s what Kaya Light Eyes does. It reduces under-eye bags, fine wrinkles and water retention in the eyelids. Results are visible immediately.

Kaya Light Eyes is a therapy created by our dermatologists, based on years of skin analysis. It is built around a core blend of special natural ingredients, combined with vitamins and antioxidants. The formulation, customised with an understanding of the individual’s skin condition, is uniquely effective in fading away those dark circles.

The dermatologist may integrate this treatment within an overall plan that consists of advanced skin care services.

 How Kaya Light Eyes works

This injectable therapy is used to stimulate the superficial skin of the contours of the eye. It can be used on both the upper and lower eyelids.

The formulation contains hyaluronic acid, ruscus blueberry , vitamin C and antioxidants. Hyaluronic acid attracts and holds much-needed moisture in the area. Ruscus blueberry has a strong tonic effect on the venous system and also effectively drains the area. Vitamin C and antioxidants boost collagen production and improve tissue also contains rosemary and fermented papaya that are strong antioxidants , chamomile witch is anti-inflammatory and soothing and hexapeptides along with superoxide dismutase

The treatment, as a whole, improves micro-circulation around the region of the eye, known as the periocular region. As a result, the area is nourished and reinvigorated. At the same time, the venous system is stimulated.

What you can look forward to

You will be able to see noticeable improvement from the very first treatment session itself.

Your dark circles will reduce remarkably with this three-pronged approach. To begin with, the improved circulation will add vitality to the region, moving nutrients and oxygen to nourish it. The area will be smoother, less lined and more even-toned. This brighter and lighter skin below the eyes will banish the dark-ringed look.

Our dermatologists will support you with carefully considered treatment options, so you have a customised program which is followed up with home care recommendations. The exact number of sessions would depend upon the condition of your dark circles as well as your lifestyle. A consultation with one of our dermatologists will help you get a clearer picture.

Pre-treatment care

Avoid for 1 week prior to injections: Anti-inflammatory medication, Aspirin , Vitamin E 4, Gingko Biloba and if any history of cold sores or herpes, you should have a pre-treatment with an anti-viral 2 days before

Post-treatment care

  • Keep the treated area makeup-free for at least 4 hours after the treatment. Avoid applying any form of hair dressing.
  • Do not take a hot shower for at least 6 to 8 hours.

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