Do you have FOFO?

“No, it can’t be.”

Rita’s heart began to sink and her mind went into a spin. As a bead of cold sweat trickled down her back, her anxious fingers returned that spot where, under the soft skin, lay the beginning of a slightly harder spot. Ever so tiny, yet there. Challenging her. Demanding urgently that she look and worry. “Why me, why now?”, she thought to herself as she felt the spot again. A pimple on the cheek.

A pimple? Wait a minute. Aren’t we… shouldn’t we… be talking of breast cancer?

Exactly. That is, in fact, the whole point. We should be paying a little more attention to breast cancer. In the course of our daily lives, we obsess over the visible… and ignore the rest. We take our health for granted… and we don’t want to know. You could call it the FOFO syndrome (Fear of Finding Out).

If only we checked ourselves as intently for signs of breast cancer as we do for skin blemishes or pimples or wrinkles or whatever, a great many more lives could have been saved, surgeries avoided, and families spared the pain they must all go through.

But you know what? You aren’t in this alone. There’s hundreds… thousands of us together. What better way to fight an enemy than to stand united? That’s why Kaya has partnered with Pink Caravan for the second consecutive year to carry forward a movement. Kaya Pink Impressions: Transforming Lives.

Pink Caravan are an esteemed UAE based organization who have dedicated themselves to raising awareness about breast cancer and the importance of self-examination. They also make checkups and mammograms possible for women who cannot afford them. That needs money. Kaya aims to raise as much as possible this month by contributing 5% of the sales proceeds on kayacouture. Enjoy a fabulous treat at a 10% discount and know that you’re also helping the cause. With the help of our product sales we were able to raise AED 39,300 for the Pink Caravan Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign last year.

While we are willing to take every necessary step to fight breast cancer, there’s only so much we can do without your help. Log on to Kaya’s Facebook page and leave your impression. Kaya Pink Impressions and millions of women around the world need your support.

Now, back to the checkup. (No escape there) If you happen to live in the UAE, keep some time for yourself on 24 October. Drop by our Mirdiff City Centre clinic for a free medical breast cancer examination and a chance to lay your worries to rest. Starting 12:00 noon, specialist doctors will provide detailed examinations up until 6:00 pm. You can also pick up some smart tips on regular self-examination and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both of which constitute the first line of defence. In the unlikely event that the doctor recommends a mammogram, we’ll also give you an AED 200 voucher towards your test at Oriana Clinics. The whole idea is to be in good hands, always.

The time period between test and result, though short, can seem excruciatingly long. Anyone who’s had a mammogram done lives under a cloud of fear, but needlessly. Fretting about what you don’t know never helps. Rest assured, whatever the result of your mammogram, breast cancer, detected in time, is certainly curable and you can look forward to a full life.
“More than skin deep”, is how we define the beauty of being a woman. Your confidence. Your pride. Your wellbeing. Your ability to live beautifully.

– By Kaya’s Expert Dermatologists


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