Know Your Skin, Hair & Body

It helps to be the biggest team of dermatologists in the region, looking after millions of customers. We gain a wealth of insight into everything skin, hair and body, which we’re happy to share with you. Scroll right through for what matters most to you. It’s science made simple. Ageing is a natural process of your skin. But, is your skin reflecting your true age or is it ageing faster? Take our quiz to find out!

  • Not so permanent! Yes, tattoos can be removed


    Tattoos have now become more than a fashion statement. For some, it’s the perfect way to express their love for someone special. For most others, it is a form of expressing one’s individuality, passions and beliefs. But as we evolve, our personalities change and removing the tattoo is a way to start afresh. If you…

  • Get a skin-tastic glow with skin oils


    You hear ‘skin oils’ and you are probably going to think any of the following—that the idea of applying oil on your acne prone skin seems illogical (it actually isn’t) or that your skin is so sensitive that you cannot use oil (you can) or that the whole concept of including skin oil in your…

  • Six Reasons Why Your Workout may be Causing You Skin Issues


    Have you ever wondered why your skin breaks out after enduring a rigorous gym-session, instead of glowing like it’s supposed to? That is because sweat and skin don’t go well together. Though exercise helps your body remove toxins by pushing impurities out of pores, it can also lead to chafing, rashes and clogging of pores. Here…

  • Beware of Cheap Beauty Deals


    Why it’s Important to Choose Quality over Price When it Comes to Age Control Solutions Putting your best face forward, both professionally and personally, empowers you to do more. However, the inevitable process of ageing, which manifests as wrinkles or age spots, can find you searching for ways to rejuvenate your skin. In your search…

  • Every BODY deserves a break


    Are you a sitting target for aches, pains and visible veins? Here are some insights that will bring you to your feet. They may include a body of facts most of us are aware of but set aside as we double down on the daily grind. Some may be outright startlers. Either way, it’s good…

  • Vitiligo


    Why the loss of colour shouldn’t mean loss of confidence Of the many skin conditions which could affect any of us, few cause anxiety as Vitiligo(vit-ih-LIE-go). However, it is important to note that the condition is nothing but harmless discolouration of the skin, which usually gets bigger with time. The condition can affect the skin…

  • Your Sleeping Position Can Lead to Visible Signs of Skin Aging


    The health of your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle. Aside from a few innate or hereditary skin attributes, your skin is to a great extent controlled by your habits and lifestyle decisions. Blemish free skin, which is radiant and supple, is everybody’s dream; however, certain lifestyle habits can affect your skin. Sleep is…

  • A New ‘Light’ for Skin Rejuvenation


    When one thinks of skin rejuvenation or therapies, the mind usually conjures up thoughts of retinol, sunscreen and serums. But thanks to gadgetry involved in beauty treatments, everyday routines are expanding and now include high-tech treatments. For instance, light therapy currently is in vogue for being the most sought after therapy to treat a host…

  • Which intimate treatment is for you?


    Intimate health and wellness are an important but often overlooked area of women’s health. Essential in preventing any infections in the genital area and for healthy sexual activity, intimate wellness is particularly important when women hit menopause and during the period after childbirth. This is not to say that women not in this age group…

  • Super Skincare Ingredients Trending in 2020


    Trending ingredients in skincare are driven by numerous elements including—health, wellbeing, exoticism, heritage, aestheticism, and the ingredients’ capacity to replace other ingredients that have received criticism for an unsustainable or unhealthy image. There will always be the classic tried and tested ingredients for skincare such as vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, retinol, and others that have…


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