Your nose is one of the most prominent features on your face and you might have flirted with the idea of changing the shape of your nose to make it perfect. But, has the thought of getting a surgery kept you away from getting any corrective measures done? Well… what if we told you that there is a way to alter the appearance of your nose, without undergoing any surgery. This is where nose fillers come into play.

Nose fillers, an aesthetic treatment that are medically known as non-surgical rhinoplasty, have gained a lot of fan following among men and women, alike. The numbers show similar trends. As per the 2019 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report[1] released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nose reshaping is listed as one among the top five cosmetic surgical procedures.

How is a non-surgical nose job possible?

Popularly called as ‘liquid nose job’ or as a ‘lunchtime nose job’, this minimally-invasive procedure makes use of dermal fillers that changes the shape of your nose for up to six months.

The dermal filler is a gel-like injectable ingredient (in most cases hyaluronic acid), which is placed under the skin with the help of a needle/cannula. It is placed in the areas where you want any bumps or lines to be smoothened out. Sometimes, Botox is also used in combination with the hyaluronic acid.

The ingredient will then settle into the deeper layers of the skin where it is injected and holds its shape. This can alter the appearance of your nose for anywhere between four months to three years. The longevity of the treatment depends on your skin and the ingredient used.

When does a non-surgical nose job work best?

Since the procedure uses fillers to modify the shape of your nose by targeting the tip, bridge and sides, it is ideal for people who are on the lookout to

  • Smoothen out any bumps on the nose
  • Make the nose look less angular
  • Add overall volume
  • Give the tip of the nose a lift

It is highly recommended for people who are not ready for a permanent solution and are worried about the risks associated with a nose job that involves surgery and the recovery time associated with a surgical treatment.

A filler adds volume. So how do nose fillers actually work?

Yes, a soft tissue filler does add volume and this is why nose fillers work best to contour the nose. The fillers can fill in areas that are slightly curved and if you have a pronounced bump on the bridge of your nose, a filler used around the bump, can create a perfectly straight nose. However, a thick nose can’t be thinned out with the procedure.

What is the procedure like?

The procedure for a non-surgical nose job is much simpler than surgical rhinoplasty. After a consultation about your desired results, the dermatologist will have you lay down with your head tilted up. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to your nose and the surrounding areas to ease the pain from the needle.

Once the anaesthetic takes effect, the doctor will inject the desired filler into the area around and into the nose. People usually feel a pinching sensation or a little bit of pressure during the injection. The entire process can take about 15 minutes to 45 minutes, with an additional 15-20 minutes for the anaesthetic to kick in. You may also experience some swelling in the nose and lips which is normal

Should I be worried about any side effects?

Non-surgical nose reshaping is a relatively safe procedure. In a study[1] of 150 people in the age group of 16 to 60 years, who underwent non-surgical rhinoplasty, the overall complication rate was a very low 1.82 percent.

For most people who opt for nose fillers, all that they experience is a little bit of redness and sensitivity in the area of injection for a day or two after the procedure takes place.

Sometimes, people may also experience a little bit of bruising at the site of injection and minor swelling. Contact your dermatologist if you experience fever, allergies, blurred vision or if you notice the bruising and redness spreading.

A note of caution: Since the nose is a sensitive area filled with blood vessels and close to the eyes, the procedure tends to be more complicated than other facial fillers like lip or cheek fillers. Furthermore, the practitioner performing liquid rhinoplasty has to be very experienced otherwise there can be chances of filler migration—where an overuse of filler leads to the filler ingredient migrating to other areas of your nose and face, which can spoil the initial objective.

Though appearing simple, nose fillers require expertise and extreme care.

What can I expect post the treatment?

Within an hour or two from the session, the filler will start to settle down. The redness will also slowly start to subside post which you will be able to notice the difference and see the results of the nose filler.

The entire procedure is relatively pain-free. You can use an ice pack to help control the redness and swelling, if any. The results from the nose fillers will be visible within a week or two, with the redness and bruising (if any) having completely subsided by then.

I’m still confused. How do I choose between non-surgical rhinoplasty and surgical rhinoplasty?

Your choice should be defined by your goals. Non-surgical nose jobs or nose fillers offer temporary results. Choose the procedure if you are looking to experiment with how modifications to your nose may look and if you wish to alter your nose in minor ways to change your appearance. If you are looking for a more permanent change in the shape of your nose, surgical rhinoplasty can bring you the best results.

If you are still confused, it’s best that you set up an appointment with an experienced dermatologist, with whom you can discuss your goals, challenges and options.
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